Wednesday, January 26, 2011

What makes something alive?

Discussion for 4-6th graders:

Students: Please answer one or all of the following in a comment.
1. What makes something alive?
2. What characteristics do living things have that none living things don't?
3. What kind of tests could you preform to tell if something is alive?

4th grade science standard 5- Utah has diverse plant and animal life that is adapted to and interacts in areas that can be described as wetlands, forests, and deserts. The characteristics of the wetlands, forests, and deserts influence which plants and animals survive best there. Living and nonliving things in these areas are classified based on physical features.
6th grade science standard 5- Microorganisms are those living things that are visible as individual organisms only with the aid of magnification. Microorganisms are components of every ecosystem on Earth. Microorganisms range in complexity from single to multicellular organisms. Most microorganisms do not cause disease and many are beneficial. Microorganisms require food, water, air, ways to dispose of waste, and an environment in which they can live. Investigation of microorganisms is accomplished by observing organisms using direct observation with the aid of magnification, observation of colonies of these organisms and their waste, and observation of microorganisms' effects on an environment and other organisms.

What is science, or what is a scientist?

Discussion with my colleagues:
I am technically a scientist. I have a degree in zoology and have worked in a lab as a scientist for 3 years. However, I think it is very important for everyone, especially our children to understand that everyone is a scientist. It doesn't take a degree to wonder about the world around you and to experiment with possible conclusions.
As a "technical" scientist we learn that when you have a question that you think is worth your time (and funding is available) you begin to plan out an experiment, or a way to find out information (data). After you have collected data you must analyze it. You need to take the information and put it into some form in which you can use it to make conclusions. You then take that analyzed data and format it, you put it into graphs and compare it to controls or other data sets. After you have analyzed and formated your data you try to come to some conclusion. You need to find out if there was a change or a measurable effect that can give you some answers to your question. You have to take into account sample size and whether or not that sample size is statistically significant. If you are able to come to a conclusion 99999999999 times out of 100000000000 this conclusion will lead you to other questions.
I think a simplified version of this logic comes built in to humans. Small children go over everything with a fine tooth comb. They touch, feel, smell, examine, and usually taste everything they come into contact with. They pick it up to test its weight, they throw it to test its aerodynamics, they step on it to test its durability. Unfortunately I think this urge to explore gets beaten out of most kids. Parents snap at little kids when they throw their spoon off the high chair tray for the 10th time. They get nervous when their toddler tastes the table leg to see if brown wood tastes like chocolate. I don't think you should let your kids run into traffic to test the stop time of honda accords, but I do think we need to foster exploration in kids of all ages. They are born scientists and all we need to do is try to guide them into performing their experiments in a controlled environment, and to wear gloves and work under the hood.